Space brings benefits to Earth in form of services and top-class science. This makes space an industrial sector of high strategic and economic value. To further increase the return of investment in Space, the European Space Agency (ESA) together with its Participating States support companies and organisations with the ambition to exploit space technology or utilise space systems in non-space markets (spin-off). It also encourages the entry of participants to the space industry to ensure that technological innovations from other market verticals can provide benefit to the commercial agenda of the Agency.
A network of Technology Brokers has been created by ESA to create added value for and strengthen European industry through developing collaborations between a space organization and a non-space industry. This is achieved through a bi-directional approach to technology transfer – supporting both spin-off and spin-in activities. The ESA Technology Brokers employ a combination of technology push and market pull to achieve the optimum results.
To achieve this, ESA Technology Broker provides a wide range of tailored support to both young and well-established companies looking to create new products and reach new market opportunities.
ESA Technology Broker is part of the Czech national innovation ecosystems, but act with other brokers as a network to ensure a pan-European reach.
In Czechia the ESA Technology Broker is operated by Technology Centre Prague, key national institution providing information and consulting services about HORIZON Europe Programme, performs international technology transfer and carries out oriented research in the area of science, technologies and innovations.
Technology Centre Prague
Ve Struhach 1076/27
160 00 Prague 6