The contest organized by the European Space Agency and its Technology Brokers suggesting to propose an idea of a space technology or patent applied in non-space solution revealed its winners. Two awards were to be issued at the occasion of Space2Business 2022, a voucher of 10 000 EUR to the 1st place winner and a voucher of 5 000 EUR to the 2nd place winner.
A jury set up from the ESA Technology Transfer office, the Czech Ministry of Transportation, Czech branch of ESA BIC and Technology Broker decided to award the 1st place prize to SOLAR FOCUS project by Krištof Šaman. His idea presents a stowable reflective foil for solar panels based on ESA patent Deployment Mechanism for Solar Concentrators. SolarFocus increases efficiency of solar power plants on caravans, camper trucks and ships. This easy-to-use solution is compatible with current hardware, takes 20 minutes of installation time and remains low cost. The main value is 45% increase in solar efficiency.
The 2nd place prize was awarded to THERMOSOLAR HIVE project by Jan Rája, Apis Innovation s.r.o. His project focuses on solving a mite problem: mites are world-spread insect killing every bee colony if no treatment provided. The chemical treatments are currently pesticides and acids. Mites are however becoming resistant to the current treatments. By placing Phase Change Material Compound patented by ESA on the top of a beehive, the bee colony becomes saved from mites in a specific temperature that will not let the mite survive. The proposed solution is ecological, self-sufficient and sustainable.
Both projects proved to be innovative, technologically feasible, fostering sustainability and backed by a business plan.