Hackathon – using sattelite data to monitor world’s phenomena

Charles University is organizing a hackathon within the Copernicus Academy project focused on the use of Earth Observation (EO) and Geographic Information System (GIS) for the development of applications for the assessment of significant events related to security or environmental risks. Using GIS and EO data, participants will think together and find solutions to challenges related to the risk of some of the world's phenomena - armed conflicts, climatic events, droughts, fires, etc.
The ESA Technology Broker will take part in the evaluation of the results of the competition and will offer participants the opportunity to develop their technological cooperation with ESA and private companies in the field of EO. Collaboration on the development of cutting-edge EO technologies will enable objective information to be gathered and analysed in the future. Quality information and its effective use are then a prerequisite for eliminating the risks arising from these global threats.
For more information about the hackathon (in Czech), see here.