
Revolutionizing Safety: ICARUS ARMOR’s Real-Time Monitoring

From firefighters battling blazes to field police navigating high-tension environments and heavy machinery operators working under duress, ICARUS ARMOR is set to transform workforce safety and performance. The ICARUS ARMOR project, supported by the ESA Technology Broker in Czechia through the ESA Spark Funding initiative, has successfully created a new technology to monitor stress and fatigue in people working in extreme conditions.

Fig. 2. Aleš Svoboda (left) - ESA astronaut reserve member and VIP participant in the testing campaign (photo: BUT)

Fig. 1. Aleš Svoboda (left) – ESA astronaut reserve member and VIP participant in the testing campaign (photo: BUT)

The Risk: Thermal Stress Impacts

Thermal stress poses a significant threat to human performance, particularly when individuals are required to make critical decisions under pressure. Exposure to extreme temperatures can impair cognitive functions—such as attention, memory, and decision-making—putting workers at risk of accidents and mishaps. Understanding the complex relationship between thermal stress and cognitive dysfunction is imperative for creating effective monitoring systems that can safeguard human effectiveness and safety in demanding environments.

The Smart Solution: Digital Twin Models

The core innovation of ICARUS ARMOR lies in its ability to leverage personalized human digital twin models. Given that individuals under extreme stress often lack the awareness to accurately assess their own stress levels, the project began with creating a comprehensive prototype model during an experimental campaign at the Brno University of Technology’s climate chamber. This campaign evaluated human cognitive performance and physiological responses under varying climatic conditions while subjects engaged in a series of cognitive assessments.

Gathering Valuable Data

During the tests, data was collected through lightweight, non-invasive wearable devices, ensuring comfort without sacrificing accuracy. Notably, volunteers included Aleš Svoboda, a member of the ESA astronaut reserve, underscoring the project’s high-caliber testing environment. The flexibility of the system allows for the inclusion of various wearable devices, making it accessible for a wide range of users and scenarios.

Data Processing and Model Creation

The data gathered was systematically organized in a dedicated database, with biosignals processed and normalized by Uptimai for subsequent analysis. This adaptable approach enables the integration of additional biosignal types as needed, allowing for a constantly evolving monitoring framework.

Uptimai developed mathematical models—referred to as surrogate models—that establish the relationships between physiological responses, environmental conditions, and cognitive load. Importantly, these models can be computed in just minutes, facilitating real-time updates tailored to specific individuals or occupational groups.

User-Friendly Monitoring

In the course of the project, significant insights emerged, notably the conclusion that biosignals recorded from a breathing mask yielded minimal cognitive response data. This insight led to its exclusion from the monitoring suite, prioritizing user comfort while enhancing the overall efficacy of the monitoring environment.

Implementation of Active Monitoring

Evident in the workflow depicted in Figure 4, the Uptimai software platform plays a crucial role in managing live monitoring. As the user moves through their tasks, data from their wearables is relayed to the database, processed by Uptimai’s proprietary scripts, and funneled into the previously calibrated surrogate model. This sophisticated analysis allows for real-time assessment of an individual’s cognitive load, providing alerts if they are nearing their operational limits.

Benefits of ICARUS ARMOR


  • Customizable Hardware: The ICARUS ARMOR platform can accommodate a variety of wearables, catering to the specific needs and preferences of different users and situations.

Quick Adaptation

  • Rapid Model Updates: The mathematical models can be refreshed in minutes, ensuring that both individual workers and professional teams are supported with up-to-date insights.

Enhanced Safety and Efficiency

  • Proactive Alerts: The system actively warns monitored personnel when their cognitive performance dips, enabling timely interventions and protecting workers in hazardous settings.

The ICARUS ARMOR project stands as a testament to the power of innovative monitoring technologies in safeguarding human performance in challenging environments. By applying thorough research and advanced data processing techniques, this ESA Spark-funded initiative is paving the way for a safer, more efficient future for professionals operating under thermal stress.

For more information about the ESA Technology Broker and the ICARUS ARMOR project, stay connected!


Rapid prototyping helps space startups achieve a working prototype

Czech startup Dartsat, which develops ground stations for satellite communications, is preparing a technology collaboration with the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Brain 4 Industry (B4I).

Ilustration photo

The B4I hub focuses on providing support for digital innovation and transformation of manufacturing in key industries. Startup Dartsat consulted ESA Technology Broker on the possibility of rapid prototyping of feedhorn holder of its terrestrial antenna and the B4I hub, with its cutting-edge additive manufacturing technologies, was selected as the best option. As part of the EDIH services, this component will be created using a 3D metal printing method. The startup will thus be significantly closer to the first functional product of its ground station.

The availability of rapid prototyping methods is an important factor for the success of all technology companies, but for startups it can play a key role. In this sense, EDIH’s services are essential and space companies can become important clients alongside traditionally targeted sectors such as automotive, energy, aerospace and others.


Czech company will use space technology to capture CO2 in buildings

One of the key challenges in space exploration is sustaining life on long-term manned space missions. An initiative of the European Space Agency, the Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative (MELiSSA), is exploring the technologies needed for long-term human survival in space.

ESA Technology Broker presented the possibility of using these technologies in terrestrial applications during the Space for Cities seminar. The seminar initiated a discussion between technology companies and local government representatives about technological potential of these technologies for sustainable cities and architecture.

Following this discussion, AG Data City, which is a company dealing with air, weather and microclimate monitoring, prepared a collaborative project with Airbus. This involves the terrestrial use of technology capturing atmospheric CO2 from the space station environment. CO2 can be reused for plant growing.

AG Data City will offer this technology adapted for buildings to architects and building and facility managers. The benefits will be a healthier indoor environment, improved sense of well-being and improved cognitive function for residents. In addition, pilot projects can receive funding through cooperation with the City of Prague.

Is the project interesting for you or want to observe its development? You can leave your feedback to AG Data City using the questionnaire here (Czech only).


White cane with space-proven sensor helps the visually impaired

At the end of October, the Brno-based company Svarovsky, s.r.o. completed a project of a white cane upgraded with an electronic sensor enabling monitoring of the nearby surroundings. The innovation is also the first project supported by the ESA Spark Funding CZ programme for the use of space technologies in Earth-based applications.

Svarovsky, s.r.o. has successfully integrated the Single Photon Avalenche Diodes (SPAD) technology into the handle of the white cane, which allows to emit a photon and measure the time of its reflection from an obstacle. The signal is converted into a vibration of the cane handle and the user receives information about obstacles even outside the physical range of the cane. The technology was originally used in the Czech ELT (European Laser Timing) project, which was part of the international ACES (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space) experiment. This experiment, dealing with time synchronisation on board the International Space Station (ISS), used a SPAD sensor to capture a laser signal sent from the ground station. With the ability to very accurately record the time of photon impact, the technology allowed for very precise control of the on-board clock and coordination with the ground center.

The new use of SPAD technology in the white cane improves the orientation capabilities of the visually impaired and is a good example of the socio-economic potential of transferring space research results to technological applications on Earth.


SPAD sensor utilization for compensatory devices for the visually impaired

Svarovsky, s.r.o. is the largest European manufacturer of white canes with a 20-year tradition. They produce circa 18,000 items annually, of which 90% of them are intended for export.
Czech Space Research Center company participated on the European Laser Timing project – ESA ACES experiment. This project used the principle of detecting the impact of a photon sent by a laser on a SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) sensor. The moment of photon impact is sensed by the SPAD detector with such a resolution that it allows the calculation of the distance with very high accuracy.
Svarovsky, s.r.o. decided to use this sensor technology to create a device that could be integrated into the handle of a blind cane and would allow the user to keep an awareness of their surroundings using an acoustic signal or vibration.
The project was scouted by Technology Centre Prague and supported by €60,000 from the ESA Spark Funding programme within the project ESA Technology Broker.


Software for simulation and improved design of high data rate optical fibres components 

Argotech is a Czech research and development company specializing in optics, electronics, and mechanics. To improve services in the field of Photonics Integrated Circuits (PIC), the company sought cooperation with ESA Technology Broker. The company specialize on bidirectional optical components (BIDI) for high-speed communication on a single optical fibre.

To ensure the BIDI technology resistance, the company conducts simulations to test an electron flow and high-frequency signals and electromagnetic interference. However, these tests were very time demanding. The modelling could last up to 8 days. The company contacted ESA Technology Brokers in TC Prague who then brought Argotech into contact with the German company CST specializing in analytical software for electromagnetic components and systems.

Originally developed software was used for simulation and design optimalization of Photonics Integrated Circuits (PIC) which were used for duplex high data rate communication over a single optical fibre. By using this software optimized for space application design, the time to test a PIC design was reduced from days to hours, with more accurate calculations.

Reference: Packaging H2020 project PhLEXSAT.
Reference: Packaging H2020 project PhLEXSAT.
Reference: HF packaging H2020 project PhLEXSAT. Receiver @90GHz.
Reference: HF packaging H2020 project PhLEXSAT. Receiver @90GHz.
Reference: PhLEXSAT, mesh of 3D model in CST studio SW prior start of the HF simulation.
Reference: PhLEXSAT, mesh of 3D model in CST studio SW prior start of the HF simulation.